Sunday, February 24, 2013

MUST READ!! Important Info About March's Social!

Spouses, please take a moment to read what will be happening at March 5th's ESC GM/Social:

For our social at next month's meeting (Tuesday, March 5th 6:30pm - Liberty Chapel) we are going to be doing a PDP survey given through the A&FRC.  This requires anyone that is or plans on attending this meeting to email Steve Wright from the A&FRC and let him know you need a link to take this survey. Everyone gets an individual link, so you cannot use someone else's.  Just email and tell him you want are participating in the ESC PDP social survey.  He will reply with a link and you will take the survey.  The survey only takes 2-5 minutes at most.  At the meeting, they will present you with a personal report. 


Steve will be bringing everyone's reports and go over the meanings and outcomes.  This will be very informative, as well as fun, especially if you know Steve!  Come check it out, as this is a great way for us to get to know each other better and have a great way of doing it!!  It helps us know more about ourselves, as well, and how to communicate more effectively with others!  What a great way to be social and network with other spouses!!! Child care is available :)

Even if you are not attending the meeting, you can still request a link, and set up a meeting with Tina or Steve to go over your results.  If you do not attend the meeting, and take the survey, they ONLY way to get your report is to come to the ESC GM/Social or set up a separate appointment with them to personally go through it.  It's part of the funding process for this program.  For any additional questions, contact either at the Airman & Family Readiness Center at 828-2458.

Below is the description of the PDP test!  See you next Tuesday, March 5th!  Don't forget to email Tina or Steve for your personal survey link!!!

Cheryl Chamberlain
MH ESC Secretary


PDP is a behavioral strengths survey that identifies a person's natural strengths, stressors and how they feel others see them. PDP is now in 22 countries, translated into 12 languages, and also being used by AMC.  There are four strengths identified in the survey: Dominance, Extroversion, Patience, and Conformity.  The survey also identifies if you make decisions based on fact or feeling along with how much energy you have to utilize during the day. The survey is comprised of 60 words that take approximately 3-6 minutes to answer.  The answers are then compiled against a database comprised of over 6 million working adults that have taken this survey.  A 22 page report is then generated for review.  Our job as PDP representatives is to provide a thorough analysis back to the individual. 

Another option available is for Commanders/leadership to request a team analysis at whatever level they choose (i.e., shop, flight, etc.).  The team analysis will provide how each individual communicates, leads and perceives other leadership/communication styles.  Our first squadron team training was for the Comptrollers.  The team training has given them better insight on how to effectively communicate within their work center; thus, improving working relationships across the board.  We also provided the Comptrollers commander with a detailed report of identified stressors for both work and personal life; based on anonymous individual feedback obtained during the team training session.  We encourage leadership to take full advantage of all the classes and services available to them through the Airman & Family Readiness Center to strengthen their work centers and to mitigate identified stressors (i.e., Resilience Training, Conflict Resolution, Time/Stress Management, Study Habits, financial and relationship workshops, etc.). 

One of our personal favorites of this survey has been meeting with individuals and getting them to identify what is actually stressing them out and figuring out a way to mitigate the stress, if possible.  We have also used PDP to enhance intimate relationships and are seeing positive feedback from it; at this time, there are no hard statistics just verbal testimonials from couples. One testimonial worth sharing is how the PDP survey assisted us in identifying an individual who was suffering from what appeared to be a serious state of depression.  Based on these results we were able to connect with the individual who informed us that he indeed did have depression and is currently in treatment with Mental Health services.  Our overall goal is to help identify major stressors and refer individuals for appropriate care and services.

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