Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Member Spotlight: Kristi Holwege

Meet Key Spouse & ESC Social Committee Chairperson Kristianne (Kristi) Holwege!!! Originally from Boise, ID, her husband is TSgt. John Holwege, AMXS and they have been married for 7 years, but have known each other for 9. They have two daughters, Alyson & Kyla.

Here's a bit about Kristi in her own words:

I am a busy stay at home mom who keeps busy with my daughter's Girl Scout activities and school activities, I am also a busy wife as well as full-time student working on finishing up my Master's degree in Human Resource Management this September. I love to garden, camp, hike, fish, cook, watch movies, eat out at restaurants, and spend time with family and friends.

Being an AF spouse means supporting the AF and my husbands career choice. It also means a way of life for us that we chose together as a team and keeping a positive attitude about it despite the scarifies we have to make together. It means appreciating what he does to support his family and his country and he appreciating my role in what I do to support him. It also means being able to be strong and independent and carry on with our life when he's gone, but also keeping my marriage and family strong.

I have met so many wonderful friends through the ESC who have become my military family and my biggest support group when I have needed help. Being the Social Committee chairperson has also been beneficial as I know my job is helping military spouses enjoy their time here and putting on family events to allow families to get out and have fun together.

Advice Kristi has for any new or new to base AF spouse - Be flexible and have a sense of humor. There are going to be some good times and some bad times, but if you be flexible and accept that change is a large part of the military you'll adapt easier. Having a sense of humor is a great defense mechanism as well as coping mechanism to get you through the tough times. GET OUT and enjoy the area you're stationed at, it's going to be your home for a while whether you like it or not and complaining about it is not going to do any good. Join the ESC and find ways to get involved with the base, it's a great way to make friends, especially with moving to a new base and not knowing anyone.

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